Sunday, January 9, 2011

Getting back up. Again.

It's cold and rainy outside.  It's warm and comfortable inside.

I have a sore throat.  Started last night with the feeling of swelling that woke me up around 2am.  Starting to feel better and wonder if the cold and rain blew something in that kicked up my allergies.

It's been a good excuse to lie around most of the day, watch a movie, make soup, and do a lot of reflecting on things.

I went out with a really nice guy last night.  But over the course of the conversation I discovered he is allergic to animals and is not as fond of them as I require.  That sounds horrible, maybe, but I don't have many deal breakers.  He's also texted me a lot today.  A lot.  I don't like texting to begin with.  And I'm tempted to just call it done, but it's his birthday.

Or so he says.  Think I might have some trust issues now.  Or maybe I'm getting rid of my gullible issues.

Still.  I did it.  I went out.  I took a big step towards putting myself back out there.

I think this is as good a time as any to start with the grateful list again.
1. My ability to cook creatively, on a budget, and well.
2. Supportive and insightful friends.
3. A recipe for split pea soup that I'm going to make tomorrow.
4. My two sweet hot-water bottles, Bailey and Grey.
5. A movie (Going the Distance) that gave me the chance to cry for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, what is this "Going the Distance" business? Something I need to Netflix?
