Monday, October 31, 2011


Was working in a hospital.  And I knew it was going to either blow up or be infected with something or that something horrible was going to happen.  Someone told me secretly.  Or I figured it out.  Or both.  And then I managed to escape by running outside in the nick of time and the ocean was right there so I ran into it and new I'd be safe.
After I met up with Steve somehow and we kept trying to figure out what i was going to to do with my life now.  I was going to sell two houses and buy one.  And things needed to be copied from a laptop but we knew there was an infection on it so we had to wait until it healed. We knew it would, just not when.
Everything was very vivid, and dark, and there were a lot of angry people...especially the people who were trying to infect/blow up the hospital and didn't want anyone to know.  Also something about radiation?  that the building  was going to start holding radiation, but they kept telling us we'd be okay, but I knew we wouldn't.  This was after the first blowup/infection there.  It's all getting swirly in my head now.  Back to bed.

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