Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sometime Tuesday night I felt something weird going on with my back, right around one of my tattoos.  The skin felt kinda numb and tingly.  Then it hurt a little.  The skin, though, not the muscle.

At first I wondered if I did something while working out with Mimi the day before, but dismissed it because nothing was sore, it was numb.

Worry.  Worry.  Dr. Google.  Searching about diabetic peripheral neuropathy.  More worry.

At the doctor's office today, she had me take my sweater off, and began prodding around my back.  She asked if my arms were numb or hurt.  Nope.  My neck?  Nope.  She prodded and then ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that felt good.  And she asked when I had worked out last.  Monday.  Did I do any upper body stuff?  Bicep curls with overhead presses.

Yeah.  I pulled something, just a little probably, and it probably swelled up and is probably putting pressure on some nerves making my skin feel numb.

She prescribed some muscle relaxers which weren't supposed to make me sleepy, but WOW I'm druggy and tired.  If it's not back to normal in two weeks, I go back and she spends more time looking at my neck.

It's all fine.

And I'm tired.  And druggy.  And my head hurts.  And I don't think there's much else to talk about for now.

1. Lunch with Sylvie
2. Party at chair's house

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